vendredi 5 juin 2015

[BEST BUSINESS]Underdressed Chinese Girls open a Car Wash

Pretty Chinese Car Girls opened a car wash in the great city of Urumqi, capital of Xinjiang Province. The girls are tall, well-built, and handy with the water gun. They wear shiny trousers of the swimsuit kind and a short top with the text ‘Coke is…’. Coke is what?!

That's a men's dream come true and using that for business great idea.

jeudi 4 juin 2015

Chinese man buys a luxury car with 10 Tons weighing coins

A Chinese customer has bought a brand new vehicle paying almost the full price only with coins.
Mr. Gan reportedly selected a car worth 680,000 yuan (around 109,700 USD) and paid 660,000 yuan (106,480 USD) of them in coins. Liaoshen Evening News reports they weighed four tons and it took over 10 employees more than one hour to move them into the store.
“We have been receiving the coins for nearly three months,” Gan explained. “As our station is in the suburb, there are very few banks. Thus, we did not deposit and decided to use them to buy a car for our company.”
Source: CCTVNews